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Thank you for choosing KrazyKewlGamez, games! In order to play Tron Defenders, you must firstly, have Trons Trx based token, KrazyKewlGamezToken with a wallet already accessible but not a necessity. If you have neither,the first screen in the game allows you to create a Tron Wallet and than you can put some KKGT into that wallet. If you do not have any KrazyKewlGamezToken, you can get some at .


How To Play Tron Defenders:

It's pretty simply actually, the controls are invisible for your convenience. In order to fire your lasers you just tap or hold the right side of the screen. To fly forward,back or side to side just use your thumb or finger on the left side to maneuver your ship.


All copyrights and trademarks belong to KrazyKewlGamez, November,01st,2019

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